Friday, October 19, 2007



Why does a person wait before “giving” of himself?
Why can’t he make a loving gesture, or act on his own?
Does he always have to weigh what he gets with what he gives
Before he decides to give?

Is life just one long business deal
Of taking first and giving later,
Giving only as much as one receives,
Never giving more than what one gets?

Are we so lacking in generosity,
Of thought word and deed that we only
Give as good as we get never waiting to see
If we can make the recipient happier than he has made us?

Where is the human kindness within us
To think of giving more of ourselves than is necessary,
Be it in the form of material goods, physical exertion
Or even emotionally, by being loyal, dedicated and loving?

Haven’t we heard the maxims –
If you give, you get back with interest?
Or the one that says – You reap as you Sow.
If so why don’t we follow what we preach?

How many of us have made an extra effort
To make people feel loved and thus happy?
To go that extra mile and accommodate
More than what we can in our limited time.

Why then do we expect the Lord to give
And give and give, getting nothing in return
Except what we so selfishly offer
With ulterior motives, only when in need?

Why wait till then, why not start giving now?
To our family, to our friends, our associates at work
To our loved ones who need us more
And above all to the Lord, who gives so selflessly.



Dear Reader,

Simple Logic and Mathematics tell us that 1+1=2, which means 2>1. Right?
Therefore you must agree with this equation as well:-
Home Maker + Working Woman = One Greatly Empowered Woman.
Which means she is 2-in-1.
Here, we are presuming that the Working Woman is indeed a married woman. If, however, she is not, then the equation may not always be true. But let us continue with our original presumption and analyze the situation.

Our typical home maker, is a Great manager. She is a past master in Time Management, juggling various chores all at once, keeping schedules, meeting deadlines, and turning out her best in every aspect of home and public life. There is no question of her compromising on quality, ever. How could you even entertain such negative thoughts?!!! Money Management like budgeting, planning for long term goals and meeting short term goals, are a matter of baayein haath ka khel for her, (if I may borrow from our National Language). Her husband will vouch for this! As for Human Resource Management, do you need to ask? Only she knows, how she manages to get the best out of her husband, children and domestic help, when the need arises, without ever letting any of them know what she is about. No mere workingwoman can top that! She is a Jack-of-all-Arts and trades. Just give her a chance and she can cook, clean, wash, sew, knit, paint, teach, play, sing, dance, play-act, direct, design, counsel, judge, charm, entertain, garden, sculpt, make handicrafts, plan, invest, execute, and manage all these and more, beautifully.
In short we have a Wonder Woman on our hands.

Now imagine, when we make her into a working woman as well, we are taking this highly talented woman and putting her in a field where she competes with men as well as other women and comes out on top. You may ask me why. The answer is simple, she is already a whole lot of women rolled into one, and now the exposure she gets from being in a commercial environment, broadens her horizon beyond imagination. Now she is more knowledgeable of the Outside World. She learns the intricacies of how any business is run. She puts in all her self-taught Principles of Management into action and she is the Boss’s first choice when there is a promotion to be given. She earns her own living and can be economically independent if she desires. She now has more facets to her personality than before. She has the power! The power to hold her own against all human beings, be they men or woman, rich or poor, young or old, Indian or International. What more can you expect of such an empowered woman, but to shine like a well cut diamond – The Kohinoor, no less!!!